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Last modified: September 19, 2024

Tracking patient testing status



With our transparent status updates, your team will be able to monitor your patient’s progress through the entire testing process: from kit shipment to sample processing and results. In this guide, you’ll learn how to check your patient’s testing status right from your central labs dashboard in your Fullscript account.

Checking a patient’s testing status

Follow these steps any time you want to know where your patient is in completing their testing:

  1. Navigate to Patients and search for their name.
  2. Choose the Labs tab.
  3. Next to each individual test, you’ll find the current test status. 
  4. Click on the test name to enter the Test details view.
  5. Find Test history for the complete status timeline on the right hand side.

Viewing the current test status under the Labs tab for your individual patient.
A provider’s view of a patient’s test history from when the plan was sent to when the results are available.

Test status changes

As testing moves through the process, you will see the most current test status, as well as the entire Test history of dated status changes. Below are the most common statuses:

Not purchased: Your patient has not completed checkout to purchase their testing. 

Test purchased: Your patient has successfully purchased their testing. 

Specialty test kit specific:

Shipped to patient: Specialty testing has been shipped from the Fullscript distribution center and a tracking number has been generated.

Delivered to patient: Specialty testing has arrived at your patient’s address.

Quest Diagnostics testing specific:

Requisition ready: Your patient’s Quest digital requisition form is available in their account and we have notified them via email.

Processing at lab: The lab has received and is now processing the test sample.  

Partial results available: Some of your patient’s testing results are ready to be viewed.

Results available: All test results are available.

Results shared with patient: You have shared results with your patient and they have been notified by email with a link to view them in their Fullscript account. 


You’ll always receive a confirmation email when a patient has successfully ordered your recommended testing, as well as when their results are available. 

Less common status changes

Below you’ll find less common status changes that you may rarely see with your testing. All of these testing statuses are accompanied by an email notification.

Results amended: The original results PDF has been amended by the lab company. 

Expired: The testing order has expired after one year.

Refunded: The test has been successfully refunded. 

Canceled: The test has been canceled by you or your patient. Rejected by the authorization network: During the order review process, the authorizing clinician may decide to deny the order. In this rare circumstance, your client will be refunded the cost of the test plus the authorization network fee and you will be notified immediately. Learn more about the authorization network.

Incomplete tests and specimen issues

If you currently order labs, you know that sometimes the testing process doesn’t always go as planned. At Fullscript, we’re here to help your team efficiently identify and resolve these issues to keep your patients testing and treatment on track.

The two most common issues with labs involve:

  1. Incomplete tests where the labs are missing critical information or enough sample quantity.
  2. Specimen issues when a sample doesn’t arrive at the lab in viable condition. 

When an Incomplete test or Specimen issue status is identified, our labs team will immediately send you an email notification and begin resolving the problem. Fullscript proactively handles these issues directly with the labs and coordinates any next steps with you and/or your patient, minimizing your involvement whenever possible. 

If your patient needs a recollection kit our team will manage that entire process, ensuring your patient receives a replacement kit with tracking while keeping you informed at every step of the way.

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