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Last modified: February 12, 2025

Personalize your welcome page (self-sign ups)

Your patient welcome page

Your Fullscript patient welcome page is unique to your dispensary and can be customized to reflect your branding. Visitors with access to your welcome page through your store link can sign in or create new patient accounts. Once accounts are created, patients/clients can sign in from the standard Fullscript login page or your dispensary welcome page.

You can personalize your welcome page with: 

  • A dispensary name that is familiar to your patients
  • Your logo
  • A custom store link (URL)

To customize your welcome page, go to Patient welcome page in your Dispensary settings.

Navigating to your Patient welcome page in Dispensary settings
Navigating to your Patient welcome page in Dispensary settings.

Dispensary name

You can customize your dispensary name to reflect your business name or, if you’re a solo provider, simply use your own name. By default, the dispensary’s name will reflect the account owner’s first and last name.

Dispensary logo

Your logo, if added, appears on your welcome page and in email communications sent to your patients including new plans, order notifications, and refill reminders.

Store link (URL)

Those with access to your store link can create a patient ordering account on their own. This URL is generated when the store is first activated and can be updated at any time. However, your URL must be unique and can’t be in use by another dispensary.

URLs should be a combination of letters and numbers only. Including special characters can result in access issues.


If you enter a store link that another dispensary is already using, Fullscript will automatically add digits to the end of it, making it unique.

Customizing your store link (URL) and dispensary name

To update your dispensary name or store link, go to your Patient welcome page in Dispensary settings. Edit the relevant field(s) and select Save settings to apply your changes immediately.

Updating the dispensary name and welcome page URL for a dispensary
Updating the dispensary name and welcome page URL for a dispensary.


The welcome page URL can be changed at any time, but we recommend against it as patients attempting to access the previous welcome page to sign up will not be redirected to the new page. However, existing patients will be redirected to the standard login page where they can sign in with their login credentials.

Adding your logo

If you upload a logo, your patients will see your dispensary’s logo on your patient welcome page and in the header of email notifications they receive (e.g., new plans, order notifications, and refill reminders). Although it’s optional, we recommend uploading a logo to help patients easily identify your dispensary. If you choose not to upload a logo, patient-facing pages and emails will feature your dispensary name instead.

To upload or replace a logo:

  1. From your Dispensary settings, go to your Patient welcome page.
  2. In the Logo section, drag and drop your logo file into the upload area. Alternatively, click browse to access your device’s file manager and select a logo file (.PNG or .JPG; up to 2mb in size).
  3. Click Save settings.
The Logo section where logos can be added or replaced
The Logo section where logos can be added or replaced.


If your file isn’t accepted, double-check the file type (must be .JPG or .PNG) and file size (max 2mb), or try resizing the photo to a natural size no larger than a 160 pixel height and 360 pixel width.

Preview your welcome page

When you’re finished, select Preview welcome page to view your welcome page as your patients will. When finished, click I’m done, or click Back to edit to make more changes.

Previewing your dispensary welcome page
Previewing your dispensary welcome page.

The patient experience: Self sign-ups & logging in

Patients accessing your welcome page can create or log into an account. This depends on whether the email address provided is associated with an existing account.

If the email is tied to an existing account, patients will be prompted to log in with their current password. When signed in successfully, all patient accounts with that email are linked and patients can switch between linked accounts at any time from the patient menu.

If the email address isn’t recognized, the patient will be prompted to set a password to activate and log into their account.

Preview of US patient welcome page
Patient’s view of a US dispensary’s welcome page.


Sending a plan to a patient sends an email that will direct them to your welcome page to set a password and activate their account or log in using existing Fullscript credentials. Patients can be active in multiple dispensaries with a single set of credentials.

What’s next: Provide your banking information, Set product catalog permissions, Build a plan, Create a template

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