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Last modified: February 12, 2025

Maintaining your professional credentials with Fullscript

Healthcare credential requirement

Upon sign-up, dispensary owners are required to submit proof of licensure (if applicable) or education to confirm their status as a healthcare professional. Credentials need to be approved before orders can be placed, but you can explore your account, add patients, and start sending plans while you wait.


See Getting your credentials approved for more information on accepted credentials.

Expired credentials

Documents containing expiration dates must be maintained as valid and current as per the Fullscript Acceptable Use Policy. If your license or credential has expired, submit your renewed documentation in order to maintain access to professional brands.

When your license is approaching its expiration date, a friendly email reminder will be sent to you to update this document through your account. We ask that an updated document be provided within 30 days of its expiration date.


We will accept screenshots of your information from online verification systems. Please ensure screenshots include the site’s URL, your name, the profession, and the new expiry date.

Uploading new credentials

Follow these steps to review your credentials and upload new documents:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Settings.
  2. Click Account from the dropdown.
Accessing account settings.
  1. Under the Basic info tab, click Upload new in the Professional credentials section.
  1. Click Browse computer to select a copy of your credential from your device storage/file manager, or drag and drop your file into the modal.
  2. Select Upload to submit your credential for review.
Upload button


If we’re waiting on a copy of your credential, we’ll notify you with a banner at the top of the page on the platform. Select the link in the banner to navigate to the Account settings page instantly and upload your credential for review.

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