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Last modified: February 12, 2025

Importing patient lists



Adding patients individually or relying on self-sign-ups isn’t necessary when you already have an established patient list. By importing your patient list, you can add all of your patients at once!

An optional invite email can direct your patients to sign in right away and, if your catalog access isn’t closed, order products freely from your catalog without a plan. Without the optional invite email, patients are invited to log in or set a password for their accounts as plans are sent.

Video: How to add patients to your dispensary | Importing a list of patients

Downloading a patient import file template

Your patient list file will need specific formatting to be read successfully. We recommend downloading our template, which includes necessary headings and formatted examples, to guide you through entering and formatting patient data.

To download a file template:

  1. Select the Patients tab.
  2. On the Patients page, click Import patients in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  1. Click Download template.
  1. Enter patient data following the formatting requirements shown below.
  2. Save the file as a CSV (comma-separated value) file type.

Formatting requirements & sample CSV file

Before completing the import, make sure the file meets the following criteria:

✓ The file is in a .csv file format.

✓ Column headings are correctly entered: first_name, last_name, email, sms_number, additional_discount, first_order_discount.

✓ Email addresses follow the standard format.

✓ Phone numbers match the following format, including the country code: 1-723-954-9038.

 An example of a patient list outlining file format requirements.
An example of a patient list outlining file format requirements.


The sms_number (phone number), additional_discount, and first_order_discount columns are optional and can be left blank.

Patient discounts (Profit accounts only)

Specified discounts (in either of the discount columns) are applied to the patient’s profile and will be in addition to the dispensary discount.

For example, if the dispensary discount is 10% — entering ‘5’ in the additional_discount column for a patient will provide a 15% total discount (10% + 5%) off all products. However, if you also enter ‘5’ in the first_order_discount column, the patient would then receive a total discount of 20% off all products on their first order, then 15% thereafter.


To unlock patient and dispensary-wide discounts in your dispensary, you’ll need to submit additional tax information to verify your identity with our payment processor. See Converting to a profit account to learn more.

Completing the import with your CSV file

When you import your patient list, accounts will be created as entered in the CSV file. New patients will receive an invitation email only if the optional Send invite email checkbox has been selected.

To import patients:

  1. Select the Patients tab.
  2. On the Patients page, click Import patients.
  1. Choose to Download template (recommended) or create your own from scratch. If using your own file, select Use your own file.
  2. Under Attach your file, drag and drop a CSV file, or click Browse computer to select it from your file manager.
  3. Enable/disable the Send invite email to all patients option.


Select Preview email for a sneak peek at the email patients will receive when this option is enabled.

  1. Click Import to start the upload.


We’ll notify you right away if the file is incompatible. If this happens, we recommend reviewing the formatting requirements and trying again.

  1. While the import is in progress, feel free to navigate away from the page. You can check its progress by selecting Notifications in the navigation bar.


The import process can take a few minutes, depending on the size of your patient list. The larger the list, the longer it will take to complete the upload.

  1. We’ll display the following message when your import is complete and alert you to any errors we run into along the way.

Correcting import errors

No one’s perfect — you might encounter some errors when you try to upload your patient list.

If we’ve found up to five errors, you’ll be directed to make corrections directly in Fullscript.

An error found importing a patient list.

If there are six or more errors, you’ll need to select Download CSV to re-download your file with the associated failure message, make corrections, then re-import those patients again.

Re-downloading your file to correct any errors caught in the previous attempt.

The new file will look similar to the output below. Refer to the failure_message column and make necessary adjustments before attempting another import. Additional patient import attempts only need to include patients that failed to upload during previous attempts.

An import attempt with six or more errors.
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