Last modified: January 28, 2025
Delivery estimates and shipping options
About delivery and arrival estimates
Our delivery estimates are displayed in business days as we can’t guarantee deliveries on weekends. A business day is every official workday throughout the week: Monday-Friday, excluding holidays and weekends.
Estimated arrival dates are shown in checkout when placing your order. Please keep in mind that orders may arrive in multiple shipments, and backordered products will ship when they’re back in stock. We recommend considering our priority option when ordering heat-sensitive products.
Shipping within the US
Orders placed by US customers must be shipped to a US address. Please provide a physical address when shipping to the states or territories listed below, as we can’t ship to P.O. boxes in these locations.
We ship to all US addresses, including:
- Alaska
- Hawaii
- Puerto Rico
- Military addresses
Alaska & Hawaii addresses
When shipping orders to Alaska or Hawaii, we recommend choosing our priority shipping option for delivery in 1-3 business days.
Orders placed with standard shipping will arrive in 10-13 business days.
Puerto Rico addresses
All orders with standard shipping to Puerto Rico will arrive in 10-13 business days. All orders with priority shipping are expected to arrive in 2-3 business days, though they may be subject to additional processing times.
Canadian shipping addresses
Orders placed from a Canadian Dispensary can only be shipped to a Canadian address that’s serviced by Canada Post. Your package can be delivered to any of the following locations:
- Your door or rural mailbox
- Community mailbox
- Post office (P.O.) box
- Group mailbox
International shipping
We don’t offer international shipping at this time. Orders can only be shipped to residents of Canada or the United States and must be sent to an address in the same country where your referring practitioner is located.
Same-day processing deadline
Orders placed before 3 pm local time Monday – Friday are processed same day. Orders placed after the deadline are completed the following business day.